Is Hiring a Fractional CFO Worth It? (2024)


A fractional CFO is a part-time Chief Financial Officer who provides financial expertise to companies on a flexible basis. This role is becoming increasingly popular as businesses seek to benefit from high-level financial strategy without the commitment of a full-time hire. In this blog, we will explore the worth of hiring a fractional CFO, how much they can earn, and the steps to starting a career in this field. We’ll also discuss the typical hours worked by a fractional CFO to help you determine if this role is right for you.

What is fractional cfo? A fractional CFO is often worth the investment, especially for small to mid-sized businesses needing financial expertise without the cost of a full-time CFO. They offer strategic guidance, improve financial health, and can be hired for specific tasks or periods.

Is Hiring a Fractional CFO Worth It?

Benefits of a Fractional CFO

Hiring a fractional CFO can provide several benefits, including expert financial advice, strategic planning, and cost savings. For businesses that don’t need a full-time CFO, this option allows access to high-level financial management without the overhead. The flexibility and expertise a fractional CFO brings can help businesses navigate financial challenges more effectively.

When It’s the Right Choice

A fractional CFO is an excellent choice for businesses that require financial oversight but cannot justify the cost of a full-time CFO. This is particularly relevant for startups, small businesses, or companies in transition. The right fractional CFO can bring value by addressing specific financial needs, such as cash flow management, budgeting, or financial forecasting.

Cost vs. Value

The cost of hiring a fractional CFO is typically much lower than employing a full-time CFO. However, the value they bring can be substantial, often leading to better financial outcomes and more efficient operations. By focusing on key financial issues, a fractional CFO can help businesses achieve their goals without the long-term commitment of a full-time hire.

Earnings Potential of a Fractional CFO

Average Earnings

The earnings of a fractional CFO can vary widely depending on factors such as industry, location, and the scope of work. On average, a fractional CFO can earn between $100 to $300 per hour, depending on their experience and the complexity of the tasks they undertake. This can result in a substantial income, especially for those who manage multiple clients.

Factors Affecting Earnings

Several factors can influence how much a fractional CFO earns, including their level of expertise, the specific needs of their clients, and the duration of their contracts. CFOs who specialize in high-demand industries or who have a strong reputation in their field can command higher rates.

Income Potential Over Time

Over time, a fractional CFO can build a solid client base, leading to steady and potentially increasing income. As they gain more experience and expand their network, their earning potential can grow, making this a lucrative career path for financial professionals.

Steps to Becoming a Fractional CFO

How to start as a fractional CFO?

Building the Right Skills

To become a fractional CFO, it’s essential to have a strong background in finance and accounting, along with experience in financial leadership roles. Skills such as financial analysis, strategic planning, and cash flow management are critical. Additionally, gaining experience in different industries can be advantageous.

Networking and Marketing

Building a network is crucial for success as a fractional CFO. Connecting with potential clients, joining professional organizations, and marketing your services through various channels can help you establish a strong presence in the market. A solid reputation and good relationships with clients can lead to repeat business and referrals.

Starting Your Practice

Starting as a fractional CFO often involves setting up your practice or joining a consultancy. This requires careful planning, including setting your rates, defining your services, and understanding the legal and tax implications of your work. It’s also important to create a business plan that outlines your goals and strategies for attracting clients.

Working Hours of a Fractional CFO

Typical Work Hours

The hours worked by a fractional CFO can vary significantly depending on the needs of their clients. Typically, they might work anywhere from 10 to 20 hours per week for each client. This flexibility allows them to manage multiple clients while still maintaining a work-life balance.

Balancing Multiple Clients

Fractional CFOs often juggle multiple clients, which requires careful time management. They need to allocate their hours efficiently to ensure they meet the needs of each client while maintaining high standards of service. This balance is crucial to their success and client satisfaction.

Adjusting to Client Needs

The hours a fractional CFO works may fluctuate based on the specific demands of their clients. For example, during budgeting season or financial audits, they might need to dedicate more time. This flexibility is one of the key advantages of being a fractional CFO, allowing them to adapt to the varying needs of their clients.

Is a fractional CFO worth it?

Yes, a fractional CFO is often worth it for businesses that need expert financial guidance without the cost of a full-time CFO.

How much can you make as a fractional CFO?

A fractional CFO can earn between $100 to $300 per hour, depending on experience and the complexity of the work.

How to start as a fractional CFO?

Start by building strong financial skills, networking, and creating a business plan that outlines your services and strategies for client acquisition.

How many hours does a fractional CFO work?

A fractional CFO typically works 10 to 20 hours per week per client, though this can vary based on the client’s needs.


Hiring a fractional CFO can be a cost-effective way for businesses to gain access to high-level financial expertise. From understanding their potential earnings to managing their work hours, this role offers flexibility and significant value. Whether you’re considering hiring a fractional CFO or becoming one, understanding these aspects can help you make informed decisions. The role of a fractional CFO is indeed worth considering, given the benefits it brings to both businesses and finance professionals.

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